Joy Finance & Valuation
Valuation is required to understand how much the property is worth (company or share, real estate, intellectual property, rights or patent).
Valuation is used when making management decisions on the purchase, sale or pledge of property, when the parties to the transaction require official confirmation of the value.
Seven Rivers Capital, in partnership with Joy Finance & Valuation, realize various types of valuation: business valuation, assessment of the value of subsoil use rights, assessment of warrantability, valuation of intellectual property (patent, trademark, copyright, etc.), valuation of investment projects, valuation of property complexes, financial consulting in the purchase and sale of businesses, financial and economic models of projects, consultations on valuation startups for a venture investor, valuation of shares in LLP / shares in JSC.
Stages of assessment: introduction, definition of goals and objectives, conclusion of an appraisal contract, prepayment, provision of documents and materials for appraisal upon request, assessment, appraisal report.
The topic of business valuation is frequently discussed in corporate finance. Business valuation is typically conducted when a company is looking to sell all or a portion of its operations or looking to merge with or acquire another company. The valuation of a business is the process of determining the current worth of a business, using objective measures, and evaluating all aspects of the business.
A business valuation might include an analysis of the company’s management, its capital structure, its future earnings prospects or the market value of its assets. The tools used for valuation can vary among evaluators, businesses, and industries. Common approaches to business valuation include a review of financial statements, discounting cash flow models and similar company comparisons.